Beyond gamification: Enhancing user engagement through meaningful game elements
This research, through an ethnographic approach, has the aim to find digital game design elements, that could contribute to engage users deeply even in non recreational contexts, such as the Quantified Self services.
منابع مشابه
A RECIPE for Meaningful Gamification
Meaningful gamification is the use of gameful and playful layers to help a user find personal connections that motivate engagement with a specific context for long-term change. While reward-based gamification can be useful for short-term goals and situations where the participants have no personal connections or intrinsic motivation to engage in a context, rewards can reduce intrinsic motivatio...
متن کاملGamification: A New Paradigm for Online User Engagement
The trend of employing game mechanisms and techniques in non-game contexts, gamification, has dramatically increased in recent years. Gamification can be viewed as a new paradigm for enhancing brand awareness and loyalty, innovation, and online user engagement. With the novelty and potential of gamification, until now there is limited understanding and research in this area. Particularly, previ...
متن کاملGamifying the library services: A new concept in interacting with users
Background and Aim: Gamification refers to the use of game elements in non-game contexts to motivate engagement. This definition is the most comprehensive one presented so far. The term was proposed first in 2002 but it has been prolonged 8 years to attract individuals’’ attention. Gamification has been applied in various contexts according to its capabilities. The current study aims to investi...
متن کاملGamification Solutions to Enhance Software User Engagement - A Systematic Review
Gamification is the use of video-game mechanics and elements in nongame contexts to enhance user engagement and performance. The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review to have an in-depth investigation into the existing gamification solutions targeted at solving user engagement problems in different categories of software. We carried out this systematic review by proposing a fr...
متن کاملLevel Up Your Strategy: Towards a Descriptive Framework for Meaningful Enterprise Gamification
Gamification initiatives are currently top-of-mind for many organizations seeking to engage their employees in creative ways, improve their productivity, and drive positive beha-vioural outcomes in their workforce – ultimately leading to positive business outcomes on the whole. Despite its touted benefits, little empirical research has been done to date to investigate technological and individu...
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